Kuzufab provides a turnkey solution for profitable intensive sheep breeding
Chosing the right dam line is the most critical success factor in sheep breeding for meat production. The nuclei flock should be setup using the right dam line. Dam line should satisfy the following criterians; litter size 2, mothering abilities adequate to take care of lambs, 3 lambings in 2 years, milk production adequate for the lambs.
We developed Anarom sheep that is adaptive to Middle East.
The highest meat production; You can obtain it by the butchery sale of crossbred lambs that are obtained from the addition of an elite ram with high fertility or insemination with their semen. This is called a commercial hybridization program.
Anarom (Anadolu Romanov) sheep, which we developed as a result of 10 years of breeding work, is a broodstock sheep with high fertility. You can see the comparison chart of Anarom and domestic sheep here . The programs we have prepared for Çiftçi TV about anarome cultivation are in the nature of training videos, you can reach the videos here .
We can transform your local sheep into Anarom. You can find the criteria sought for converting your domestic sheep into Anarom here .
Anarom lambing is not seasonal. It is possible to establish enterprises that produce lamb every 2 months. It is possible to match the time of lambing to the feast of the sacrifice or the periods when lamb supply is low and to increase the profit margin.
The Commercial Crossbreeding Program is the cross-breeding of Anarom brood sheep and rams with improved meat characteristics by means of breeding or Artificial Insemination .
The Anarom, Suffolk and Dorper breeds in our farm are suitable for implementing the Commercial crossbreeding program. We supply these breeds to Lamb Factory farms.
With our shelter standards , we can set up Kuzufab farms on a turnkey basis within 1 month.
100% domestic production Saytart system and Herd Tracking system are standard in our farms. You can follow your farm from anywhere on the web and mobile devices.
We provide training in our Beykoz Kuzufab farm, with mobile software, all steps to be taken during breeding are explained with daily reminders, we show practically all processes during the training.
We organize the sales of female and male lambs of the farms through the Lamb Factory sales network.
Creating rootstock flocks with high reproductive efficiency
Anarom is a domestic, highly adaptable rootstock sheep with high reproductive efficiency. With the father line Romanov, the mother line is a type developed as a result of controlled crossbreeding of 8 native Anatolian races for 10 years. She gives birth every 8 months, gives birth to twins at each birth, her first pregnancy is at her first year. It is suitable for pasture, suitable for every region of Anatolia. You can find frequently asked questions about Anarom sheep here .
Creating pregnancy with the father with high meat yield
Sufolk (Suffolk) sheep developed by England for meat characteristics. Daily live weight gain is 500 gr. is around. It is suitable for warm and hot weather, it is suitable for pasture, it offers high carcass quality, it has high marbling property in its meat, the fat does not collect in the tail, it is homogeneously spread on the meat.
4-month butchery lambs
Carcass section of commercial crossbreed lamb
Its color, aroma and oil ratio is at high standards. The meat of our commercial crossbred lambs has been shown to be heart-friendly in the meat analyzes we have done.
Here you can find the story of a Sufolk Anarom crossbreed lamb recording its weight gain since birth.
Sufolk Anarom crossbreed lamb. 6.3 kg birth weight 27 kg at 37 days old pictured.
Commercial crossbred lambs provide high feed utilization. Daily live weight gain increases to 300-350 gr. The female and male have the same carcass characteristics and are for butchers.
It reaches 45-50 live weight in 4-5 months.
In order to buy 3 lambs from a sheep a year, and to have a farm that can produce lambs every month; correct shelter conditions , correct rootstock sheep, rearing method, equipment and herd tracking system. Neither of these alone is enough.
Kuzufab shelter systems consist of greenhouse type designed to provide animal welfare and comfort for four seasons, summer and winter paddocks with high ventilation, front opening to the promenade. The system where you can buy 3 lambs per sheep per year includes components that you can implement; Delivery room unit, baby food and growing unit, walking area, transfer track between paddocks, treatment tent, automatic counting and weighing unit.
Manage 1000 sheep with 2 people, do the sheep treatment with minimum manpower, while remaining loyal to animal welfare, reduce operational costs
Kuzufab automatic counting, weighing and 3-way sorting system works integrated with Kuzufab mobile herd tracking software. You do not have to use the mobile device with your fingers on the farm, you can command the system with your voice. The 3-way sorting system allows you to sort the animals untouched according to the criteria you determine. For example, you can use the system to separate pregnant women from empty, butchery lambs over 45 kg, or a certain breed from others.
Integrated mobile application with automatic weighing system and RFID reader bar
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Saytart Live Animal Demo
Voice command feature
Kuzufab Web Dashboard
Track your herd from anywhere, on any device, with instant data
Kuzufab BeykozEntansif Anarom et koyunculuğu işletmesi, Beykoz İstanbul | Yarı entansif Anarom çiftliğiAziziye, Erzurum |
We will contact you
Ergen Biotechnology Ltd.
Ataturk University, Ata Technopolis,
Technologies Development Zone, 25240, Erzurum
0 (850) 885 2265